ボルネオ産コケムシの新属新種Paeneutheia pallidaとホソヒラタコケムシ族の近縁属に関するノート(コウチュウ目,コケムシ科)
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Paeneutheia pallida gen. et sp. nov. from Kalimantan, Borneo is described. The diagnosis of the new genus is based on the following characters: enlarged, subtriangular maxillary palpomere III; very short and broad palpomere IV; eyes in lateral view with deeply emarginate posterior margin; procoxae and mesocoxae relatively narrowly separated by pro- and mesosternal process; pronotum with basal groove; each elytron with single basal fovea and truncate apex; aedeagus with elongate, bulbous median lobe, well separated, slender apical part and long parameres. Current taxonomical problems with the classification of the Eutheiini are reviewed; morphological details characteristic for Paeneutheia gen. nov., Eutheia Stephens, Veraphis Casey, Protoeuthia Franz, and Euthiconus Reitter are illustrated and discussed. Redefinition of some genera is postulated; new diagnostic characters are proposed for Veraphis (fovea or grooves on vertex; and elongate, nearly tubular aedeagus without delimited basal part) and Eutheia (vertex without foveae and grooves; aedeagus with well separated, bulbous basal capsule). The diagnosis of Protoeuthia is supplemented with a detailed design of the aedeagus, which possesses a pair of parameres, overlooked in the existing literature. The genus Euthiconus is recognized as heterogenous and in need of comprehensive study.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
国立科学博物館 | 論文
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