- 論文の詳細を見る
Two new species of the genus Paramblyops, P. tenuicaudus and P. spatulicaudus, are described based on specimens from the Sulu Sea. P. tenuicaudus is distinguished from other species of the genus by the number of the small denticles on the antero-lateral corner of the carapace, the shape of the eyeplate, and the shape and armature of the telson. P. spatulicaudus closely resembles P. tenuicaudus, but is distinguished by the size and shape of the eyeplate, and the shape and armature of the telson.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
村野 正昭
Institute Of Environmental Informatics Metocean Environment Inc.
村野 正昭
村野 正昭
Department of Aquatic Biosciences, Tokyo University of Fisheries
村野 正昭
Institute of Environmental Ecology, METOCEAN Co. Ltd.
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