人工靱帯材料としての CARBON FIBER の利用に関する基礎的研究
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In order to study the availability and safty of carbon fibers as artificial ligaments experiments have been done using animal models and cell cultures. Cell cultures have been performed as described by Wilsnack with slight modifications, and the safety of carbon fibers was confirmed. 44 rabbits were used in animal experiments. Medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments of rabbits were replaced with carbon fibers and silk threads, and traction test and histological investigation were performed on them. Median collateral ligaments replaced by carbon fibers possessed 73% of normal ligament strength by traction test. This value was 3 times as high as the strength of ligament replaced by silk threads (22%). Light microscopically, carbon fibers used were covered with thick ligamentous membranes, and invasion of connective tissues was observed into the center or the fibers. In electron microscopy, macrophages and fibroblasts surrounded carbon fibers which were covered with collagen fibers. These components were likely to make a unit. Communication of each of these units was sometimes observed and gave an appearance of new ligaments. In contrast to these observations, in anterior cruciate ligaments replaced by carbon fibers, formation of ligamentous membranes were bad, and invasion of connective tissue into carbon fibers was seldom observed. In traction test, these ligaments had 49% strength of normal ligaments 16 weeks after the replacement. In 4 out of 10 cases ruptures of carbon fibers were observed complication synovitis from slightly to moderately. Such synovitis seemed due to fragments of carbon fibers splitted into the joint cavity. These results suggest that ligamentous replacement by carbon fibers is effective for extraarticular ligament such as medial collateral ligament, but inappropriate to intraarticular ligaments, possibly due to their mechanical fragility.
- 神戸大学の論文
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