- 論文の詳細を見る
Otto Nourath is a famous Logical Positivist and is known as one of the most active representatives of the Vienna Circle, which was a group of eminent scholars of philosophy of science in the period between the two World Wars. Neurath was also known as an active mem-ber of the Social Democrats, and he believed the possibility of the "Planned Economy without Money". This note deals with Otto Neurath and his colleagues in a social context, i.e., in the background of the social movement in Central Europe. One of the aim of this note is to reveal the strong sociopolitical concerm and social practice of some core members of the Vienna Circle. This writer begins with recalling his personal memory on the Vienna Circle since he read Mach's famous book on history of mechanics in 1948, when the writer was trying to enter the physicists' community. As a graduate student of Physics Institute of Magoya University, the writer often had contact with the Vienna Circle, when he learnt the philosophical aspect of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and Lancelot Hogben's book, "From Cave Painting to Comic Strip", in which Hogben wrote the book owed to Otto Neurath. On their sociopolitical aspect, they were only recognized as an adversary of Leninism. The second chapter of this note is a brief description of the social and intellectual atmosphere of Vienna in the rise and fall of the First Austrian Republic since the collapse of the Hapusburg Empire. It makes clear that the figures of the Vienna Circle belonged to a minor group in the University of Vienna. They were acknowledged as liberals and socialists in tellectuals of "the Red Vienna", but were underestimated in the University. How had this minor group the great influence to the contemporary philosophy of science? The answer is to be sought in the coming part of the note by giving a sketch of the work of Otto Neurach.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 1999-09-30
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