Why summer harvesting of common reed is a viable management practice?
- 論文の詳細を見る
A wetland stand of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steud., located in Akigase Park, saitama Prefecture, Japan was investigated to study the effects of summer harvesting. The effect from harvesting in June, when carbohydrate supplies in the rhizomes are at a minimum, was compared with harvesting in July, when rhizomes are recharged with carbohydrates. From April through Octover 2000, biomass of above and below-ground organs and bukj density (Prhiz, an easily measured parameter proportional to the quantity of non-structural polysaccharide reserves) of rhizomes of different ages was measured. The present study quantitatively analysed the effects exerted on the refeneration dynamics of shoots and storage dynamics of rhizomes of a stand of P.australis subjected to summer harvesting. Summer harvesting did not exert significant effects (increase/decrease) on shoot biomass at the end of the same growing season. However, the seasonal pattern in rhizome storage showed a marked variation between the two harvested stands. The rate of increase in Prhiz of different age categories of rhizomes after shoot harvesting showed that the rate of Prhiz increase was negatively and linearly correlated with rhizome age in both June-cut and July-cut stands. Also cutting in June rather than July enabled to retard the recharging capacity of P.australis rhizomes. The study identified the seasonal changes of the quality of the rhizome reserves as essential for proper vegetation management.
- 信州大学の論文
- 2004-02-28
湯谷 賢太郎
Yutani Kentaro
Saitama University Dept. Environmental Science And Human Engineering
Saitama University, Dept. Environmental Science and Human Engineering
ASAEDA Takeshi
Saitama University, Dept. Environmental Science and Human Engineering
Asaeda Takeshi
Saitama University Dept. Environmental Science And Human Engineering
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- Why summer harvesting of common reed is a viable management practice?