T. D, Woodの「健康教育」論について : 戦後のわが国の教育への影響と関わって
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T. D. Wood (1865-1951) was generally famous in the American History of Physical Education and Sports as an exponent of the New Physical Education. He was also famous however that organized the Joint Committee on Health Problems in Education of The American Medical Association and the National Education Association and served as chairman of the committee for over twenty-six years. The purpose of this study was to examine his theory and thought on Health Education from stand point of a Historical Thought of Physical Education. The results of this study are summarized as follows; 1. Wood was the first to distinguish between physical education and health education, in terms of aim, content and administrative structure. 2. It was cleared that his health educational theory (Health Education is the sum of all experiences which favorably influence habits, attitude and knowledge relating to individual, community, and racial health) is not a purpose itself, but its a step for becoming Great Future American Citizens. It was also cleared that he regarded it was within the scope of the "the Progressive Education" (Ex. pupil's experience, motivation, autonomy in school as important) as a result of that. Here we can find some Influence of John Dewey's Educational Theory. 3. The above mentioned purpose of his theory has take influence to the preamble of World Health Organization's Constitution (1945) "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". It was also to take influence to our thoughts of the Fundamental Low of Education (1947)"Education shall aim at the full development, striving for the rearing of the people, sound in mind and body, who……be imbued with the independent spirit, as builders of a peaceful state and society." under an occupation Force.
- 2004-03-31
- T. D, Woodの「健康教育」論について : 戦後のわが国の教育への影響と関わって
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- 文書資料に見る『アメリカ体育・スポーツ』(7) : 資料:アン・オハーゲン著「アスレチック・ガールス」(1901)
- 文書資料に見る『アメリカ体育・スポーツ史』(6) : 資料:トマスW.ヒギンソン著『聖者と肉体』(1858)
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- 文書資料に見る『アメリカ体育・スポーツ史』(4) : 資料:ロビン・カーバー著『スポーツの書』(1834)チャールス・ペバレリー著『アメリカ人の娯楽の書』(1866)
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