ミルトンの体育思想 : "Of education" (1644)に見るルネサンス期の体育
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It is a well known fact that John Milton (1608-74) contributed to literature ("Paradise Lost", "Samson Agonistes" etc) after he lost his eyes due to hard work for Puritan Revolution. This study was however to review his thoughts on some exercise as a history of physical education thoughts based upon the articles of the "tractate of education" which he wrote during the secretary of the government of the Cromwell's republic at 36 years old (1644). As Milton was a Poet in the epoch between the period of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, his Physical Education thoughts appear to be influenced by the thoughts of Platon (BC.429-347) and Aristotle (BC.348-322). The purpose of this study was to clarify the view of physical exercise, principle in leaders, methodology of physical education including military training based upon the viewpoint mentioned above. We have studied his thoughts of physical education and recreation, as a result, we come to see the next points. (1) Milton's motif in "of education" was to express the book that bring up ideal leader for Nation. (2) Like as he has been known as a poet during the period between the Renaissance and the Enlightment, we can see the Platon and Aristotle's Idea in his theory and thought, when we consider to his thoughts of physical education, (see notes, 8) ,10) .) (3) Although his view of the Nation follows the Puritan's doctrine, his outlook of the physical education (Military Training) and recreation was a compulsory part for an educational Aim of the Nation, with intellectual subjects. (4) Milton was used to mean of following words "exercise" "recreation" "sport". Exercise promote to essential physical exercise for the ideal national leader. Recreation is for a change of mind and body. Sport is enjoyable but hard exercise in the open air. These four points have never been pointed out in the previous studies in the history of physical education field, and would be very significant in points of the history of thought of Physical Education.
- 大阪体育大学の論文
- 2005-03-31
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