下顎片側遊離端義歯における支台歯の挙動 : 支持能力の違いによる影響
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of the support ability on abutment teeth of lower distal-extension removable partial dentures. Two types of chrome-cobalt removable partial denture castings were fabricated on a mandibular test model simulating a free-end saddle. The component parts of each casting were Akers' or RPI clasp on an abutment tooth, indirect retainers (Akers' clasps on teeth Nos. 44 and 47), a lingual bar and a metal base with loading platform. The height of the alveolar bone portion around the abutment teeth was set in 3 positions, which were at no, 1/4 and 1/2 reduction, respectively. The partial denture castings were seated with a 2 kgfload by a loading apparatus. The movement of the abutment tooth was measured at a higher magnification using an indicator rod attached to the occlusal surface of the tooth. The Sirognatho analyzer system was used to analyze the direction and magnitude of abutment tooth movement. The results were as follows: 1. The direction of abutment tooth movement by the load was mesial when observed in the mesio-distal direction. 2. By buccal loading, the abutment tooth with Akers' clasp as a direct retainer was mesio-buccally moved, but the one with RPI clasp showed mesio-lingual movement. 3. Abutment tooth displacement increased according to the reduction of the alveolar bone portion. The increase rate of it on the abutment tooth with Akers' clasp was bigger than that with RPI clasp. These results suggested that of RPI clasps would be efficient as a direct retainer for removable partial dentures with a free-end saddle.
- 奥羽大学の論文
- 2004-06-30
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