自己の生き方を考える総合的な学習の実践に向けた試み : 関係づくり・自分づくり・人の生き方に学ぶ学習の枠組みづくりを中心として
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Thinking about a way of life is chiefly learned in moral instruction. There are two patterns of moral instruction these days. One is inculcation, the other is value clarification (the cognitive developmental approach).Value clarification is useful for students to learn about the way of their lives. But the weak point is that the experience in the moral instruction is not a real one. Experiences are needed for them. These are feasible in integrated activities. When they think of a way to live their lives, it is important to learn about relationships, one's self, and other's lives. So in this report a plan of integrated activities, "thinking about a way of life," is suggested. To be more concrete, it is combined with learning about relationships, ones' self, and learning other's lives.
- 信州大学の論文
- 2001-07-31
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