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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEs) have grown both quantitatively and qualitatively from nothing under the socialist economic systems. Quantitatively, the number of SMEs in Poland exceeded two million in 1995, and even in Romania, an example of a less-transformed economy, the number exceeded five hundred thousand. Qualitatively, in Poland, out of 10.9 million people employed in the national economy in 1995, 58% worked in SMEs, and SMEs Contributed 70 per cent of Polish GDP. However, many problems exist in the process of the development of SMEs in CEEs. The biggest problem is that most SMEs operate in the trade and service sectors and few operate in the manufacturing industry. To promote SMEs in these economies, most CEEs have drawn up and implemented SME promotion policies, developing financial systems of preferential loans, credit insurance, credit guarantee and re-guarantee, and expanding networks of information, consultation and training. To develop further SMEs, especially in manufacturing industry in CEEs, SME promotion policies need to be modified. First, in order to concentrate scarce resources in priority sectors, SME policies that take industrial policies into consideration must be drawn up and implemented. Second, access to loans may be made easier by establishing state financial organizations like the Small Business Finance Corporation and the People's Finance Corporation in Japan, and developing private small financial organizations closely connected with SMEs. Third, sources of financial resources must be funded domestically by establishing the postal saving banking system and developing SMEs cooperative banking systems.
- 神戸大学の論文
- 1999-03-10
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