長崎の離島問題 : 対馬遠隔医療実験をとおして
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A long-distance medical treatment experiment was conducted on Tsushima Island in the four years from 1999-2003.In the experiment, several households were connected to a hospital and other medical facilities using information and communications technologies. In addition, a health management system was installed in the community. This paper describes long-standing issues on such isolated islands and the need for such an experiment. Secondly, I examine the so-called informatization of the local area involved in this experiment, in terms of technology and the social system, focusing on ICT.
- 県立長崎シーボルト大学の論文
- 2003-12-20
- 19・8 社会情報システム(19.情報・精密機械,機械工学年鑑)
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- 長崎の離島問題 : 対馬遠隔医療実験をとおして
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