中央アジアの現状とウズベキスタンの産業展望 : ナボイコンビナートの観光事業への試み
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The Soviet Socialist Republic formally disappeared on December 21, 1991 after a meeting with the representatives of the eleven republics. Each republic became independent by boiling the slogan of democratization. There are five republics located in Asia with an Islamic culture ; they are Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and they are considered countries of Central Asia. Of these countries of Central Asia, Uzbekistan Republic is said to be the country to have the best possibility of development due to its political and agricultural production stability. One of the greatest challenges that Uzbekistan Republic has is the growth of its industrial tourism by finding new ways of exploiting the tourism resources with the use of foreign investment. A new tourism resort design must be created in order to transform the present condition. The Silk Road Sightseeing is the main expansion challenge in the present. The development of the future tourist industry in this area has started the trend of managerial union of Navoi industrial complex.
- 宮城大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
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