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The concept of "mentoring" was developed in the United States. In recent years, the focus has been on the importance of mentoring in the aspect of developmental support. However, the definition of mentoring remains ambiguous because it is included in topics such as pedagogy, business economics and psychology. Firstly, for the purpose of redefining the concept of mentoring, this paper reviews overseas research on mentoring in two aspects ; (1) the context of industrial organization, and (2) the context of developmental support for young people. Secondly, recent articles on teacher-pupil relationship were surveyed. There were four prominent viewpoints to the practicality and effectiveness mentoring in assisting schools to achieve their educational aims. The followings are the four points ; (1) the concept of mentoring represents the essence of the relationship between teacher and pupil, (2) mentoring is a novel concept as a motivational factor in strengthening relatedness, (3) mentoring is an unconventional way in providing developmental support in the teacher-pupil relationship, and (4) the effect of mentoring will help in attaining the educational aim of cultivating in the pupils the "zest for living".
- 名古屋大学の論文
- 2004-03-25
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