「プレヴェダーリの版画」に見るエトルリア神殿の廃嘘 : ブラマンテによる集中式平面の展開と古代建築の解釈について
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"Prevedari's engraving" (Milan 1481) is the most important work of Bramante's pictorial pieces, concerning the interpretations of antique architectures in the Renaissance. This paper intends to clarify some models of the ruined temple in the engraving, Romanesque Architectures in the Marche region, Venetian Byzantine Architectures, and especially the church of Sant' Andrea in Mantua, the concept of which is reconstruction of an Etruscan temple. Moreover, Cesare Cesanano, Bramante's pupil in Milan, drew the plans of antique temples in the comments on Vitruvius's De Architectura, some of which, including the Etruscan temple, are similar to the "Prevedari's engraving".
- 2004-04-30
- 「プレヴェダーリの版画」に見るエトルリア神殿の廃嘘 : ブラマンテによる集中式平面の展開と古代建築の解釈について
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