13世紀前・中期の讃岐国善通寺における造営活動の様相 : 中世讃岐国善通寺における造営活動の研究 その1
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An examination of historical sources on Zentsuji-temple reveals the following things about the construction of the temple in the early and middle 13th century : ・ Until the late 12th century, it was almost impossible to repair or construct the architectures in Zentsuji-temple by themselves because of the obstruction by Toji-temple which managed Zentsuji-temple, or by Kokuga, local government. ・ But in the early 13th century, the construction of the Kodo-hall and the Jogyodo-hall was achieved by Shingon, a priest of Toji-temple. ・ And in the middle 13th century, the construction in Zentsuji-temple became to be carried out by themselves through Kanjin (a method of gathering contributions) , and so on.
- 1999-09-30
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- 13世紀前・中期の讃岐国善通寺における造営活動の様相 : 中世讃岐国善通寺における造営活動の研究 その1
- 14世紀中期の讃岐国善通寺における造営活動の様相 : 中世讃岐国善通寺における造営活動の研究 その2
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