15世紀ドイツ語圏におけるクンストディーナー制度 : 上部ライン地方の史料にみるその雇用形態
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In the stonemasons' craft in the fifteenth and sixteenth century German language region, there was a educa-tional system, in which journeymen learned the higher skills and knowledge of craft from their masters. These journeymen were called "Kunstdiener" in this paper I discussed the form of employment of "Kunstdiener", based on the materials of Upper Rhine region, and indicated that "Kunstdiener" were the journeymen living in their masters' households and employed by the year. There is a differenee of employment between the journeymen as "Kunstdiener" and other journeymen as wage labours living in their own households.
- 1997-02-28
- 15世紀末フライブルクの建築工人における職人の雇用形態
- 15世紀ドイツ語圏におけるクンストディーナー制度 : 上部ライン地方の史料にみるその雇用形態
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