風水の別称からみた風水の原点と本質 : 都市計画における風水思想の基礎研究
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Feng-Shui is a wisdom on residential environment planning of the ancient Chinese. By analyzing the bases of its theory and by utilizing its idea as a method in the science of city planning, we can understand and use it to solve the nvironment problems we face today. Feng-Shui thought originated with Bu-Zhai, Xiang-Zhai and based on the idea and knowledge of Yin-Yang, Kan-Yu, Di-Li, Xing-Fa which were perceived in the classics of China before Han dynasty. We think that to clarify the meaning of those aliases of Feng-Shui is a proper way to understand the bases and features of Feng-Shui thought. The aim of this study is to investigate those aliases and to make clear the concept of Feng-Shui. The result is that we gave a definition of Feng-Shui as a reasonable theory of site planning in ancient China.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1997-01-30
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