文学作品の空間描写における空間構成の「部分」と「全体」の関係に関する研究 : 三つの空間構成をケーススタディとして
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The aim of the study is to suggest a logical theory in alchitecture regarding the formation of 'the parts' which is an essential portion to establish 'the whole'. This whole theory is based on the comparison and the analysis of the description of formation in literary works. In the analysis of space description in the literary works, a cluster of sentences forms a paragraphic block which implies the image of space and this hypothetical image of space forms 'the parts' of the whole space. Thus, it was analyzed according to the meaning and implication of the sentences. As the result of the thorough study on three types of the space formation, following is the definition on the relationship between 'the nart' and 'the whole'. 1)'The part' exists by itself with clear and definite meaning, and get 'the whole' which is composed of many parts shows unclear and indefinite meaning. 2)'The part' is attached to 'the whole' which has clear and definite outline, thus having influence on the formation of the whole space. And yet, 'the part' itself has independent meaning and not influenced by 'the whole'. 3)'The part' belongs to 'the whole' and subordinates to 'the whole'. It has controlled and governed by 'the whole' and does not have independent connotation.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1996-11-30
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