- 論文の詳細を見る
Until now, to investigate ground characteristics and geological conditions, several measuring points have been set on a straight line. In this study, the measuring area is 500m (N-S) x 450m(E-W) and 65 points are set on a mesh. And the fourier spectrum of the microtremor at these points shows the same primary predominant frequency (about 1.5 c/s) and the different secondary predominant frequency. On the whole, the type of the spectrum can be grouped into three classes. Type I doesn't hold secondary predominant frequency and type II holds about 1.8〜2.5 c/s and type III hold about 3.0 c/s. And type III is distributing from the northwest to the southeast of the area. This direction of the distribution corresponds to the geological feature. Moreover, to investigate the ground dynamic characteristic, three measuring N-S lines have been established in this area. And the propagation of the taveling vibration of Shinkansen has been measured. According to the propagation pass of the vibration on two lines, the amplitude decreases like a hyperbolic curve, but on another line the amplitude increases over the epicenter's amplitude at two points. Comparing the geological type which is considered from the microtremor, with the propagation of the vibration, it can be considered as follows: the decrement of the amplitude is relative to type I and the increment of the amplitude is relative to type II.
- 岐阜工業高等専門学校の論文
- 1987-03-20
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