The Kissinger Operation and the Vietnam Negotiations
- 論文の詳細を見る
"The questions surrounding Henry A. Kissinger sensational rise to power and his exercise of statecraft during the past four years are numerous and compelling. But underlying all of them is Kissinger's view of what constitutes a stable international order ; that has been the central issue of Henry A. Kissinger's political life, and it is in his stewardship of America's policy toward Vietnam that his view of global stability may best be grasped. "- David Landau, The Uses of Power, 1974, p. p. 12, 13-
- 中京大学の論文
- 1977-08-30
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- The Kissinger Operation and the Vietnam Negotiations
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- ヘンリーA. キッシンジャーの外交哲学 : 批判・省察・行動の外交政策論(下)
- ヘンリーA. キッシンジャーの外交哲学 : 批判・省察・行動の外交政策論(上)
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- キューバ反革命事件に関する一考察 : 4.17侵攻事件と合衆国・キューバの動向
- 米ソ外交における平和共存論 : 第2次大戦後からキューバ危機まで