Experimental Studies on Fatigue Mechanism in Pure Metals at Elevated Temperatures
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In order to study the mechanism of high-temperature fatigue in pure metals, an apparatus consisting of a microscopic cine-camera combined with the fatigue machine was devised, with which continuous and direct observations of the specimen surface could be carried out during the fatigue in vacuum at elevated temperatures. The results obtained in the specimens of poly and single crystals of 99.99% aluminium and lead under reversed bending and torsional stress at temperatures ranging over from 0.5 to 0.85 Tm°K were as follows : (1) The grain boundaries moved parallel with the maximum shear stress direction in the specimen. The characteristics peculiar to the above grain boundary migration were observed not only at the specimen surface but also at the interior. The reasons for the above phenomena were discussed in connection with the release of the stored energy resulting from the repeated boundary sliding. (2) The surface markings consisting of a series of sharp valleys and peaks due to the polygonized deformation band were found remarkably in the specimen under reversed bending at the testing temperature of about 0.5 Tm°K. (3) Subgrains generated in single crystals or in coarsed grains under reversed stress and their boundaries were also aligned to be orthogonal to each other as in the above case (1). It was found that the main origin of the high-temperature fatigue cracks resulted from the slidings along the orthogonal subgrain boundaries formed during the fatigue. The relationship between the mechanisms of the fatigue failure at low temperature and at high temperature was discussed from a standpoint on the roles of substructure formed during the fatigue process.
- 東北大学の論文
東北大学 | 論文
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