- 論文の詳細を見る
The muscular activities under the water immersion up to navel, chest and neck levels were compared with those under the dry conditions in 6 healthy 21 to 24 aged males. Each subject was asked to repert voluntarily the extension of the right knee as rapid as possible while keeping a sitting posture on a chair. During the movement, the electromyograms (EMG) were recorded from the surface of the rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) by means of Ag-AgCl bipolar electrodes, and rectified for the analysis. Simultaneous recordings of knee joint angle were also obtained by means of a goniometer fixed on the joint. Following results were obtained from the averaged data of ten trials in each subject. 1. The knee extension in water showed a longer time course, a smaller knee angle at the maximal extension and a lower angular velocity than those under the dry conditions. These changes suggested that the movement in water is suppressed by viscous resistance. However, it was note worthy that the time course before reaching the maximal velocity was usually shorter in water, implying that the accelleration, at least in the beginning of movement, is higher than under the dry conditions. Buoyancy may be also an important factor influencing on the movement in water. 2. The EMG discharge, specially in RF, increased in water about twice of those in dry. This may be due to increased load on the agonist muscle by viscous resistance. 3. Under the dry conditions, the curves of rectified EMG of RF were mostly a simple smooth exponential in shape. In contrast, those obtained in water showed two peaks, representing a transient inhibition. The similar two-peak-pattern of EMG have been found by many authors as a characteristic activity of a loaded agonist muscle. It is accepted that the inhibition is due to the influence from the antagonist. However, in this experiment, the countermeasure of BF discharge was not found. The BF rather synchronized with the RF. Although the details are remained in the future study, above mentioned properties of musclar activities in water may indicate that the water affects the movement not only by its resistance but also by changing the motor control function. 4. In order to analyze the indirect effect of water immersion on the motor control system, the differences in EMG discharge among three immersion levels also observed. However, no detectable differences were obtained in the present experiment.
- 中京大学の論文
- 1985-12-20
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