- 論文の詳細を見る
The Lindisfarne Gospels is one of the masterpiece of the manuscripts made in medieval England. The Book is thought to have been made at the monastery of Lindisfarne in the kingdom of Northumbria. Eadfrith, the bishop of Lindisfarne (d.721), wrote and illuminated this Gospels with splendid skills which he might had studied in Ireland. And he made this Gospels under the influence of cultures from Irish and Mediterranean area. It is almost certain that the Gospels have been made for God and Cuthbert in the early 8th century. The reason why this Gospels have been made connects closely with the birth and expansion of the cult of St Cuthbert. And Eadfrith undertook this work to promote the Cuthbert's cult. After the birth of his cult, the Lindisfarne monastery needed a lot of fame in oder to establish the status as the leader of Northumbrian church. For this reason, Eadfrith bid the Lindisfarne monks together, Bede put the Life of St Cuthbert, and Eadfrith made this Gospels by himself. The making of the Lindisfarne Gospels must be considered under this historical context, and it is evident that the making of this Gospels constituted a very distinct landmark in the history of the Lindisfarne community and St Cuthbert's cult.
- 東北公益文科大学の論文
- 2004-05-30
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- 書評 Emma Griffin, Blood sport : hunting in Britain since 1066, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2007
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- 『中世ヨーロッパを生きる』, (甚野尚志・堀越宏一編), 東京大学出版会, 二〇〇四年二月二〇日刊, 三一二頁, 二八〇〇円+税
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- 中世 : イギリス(ヨーロッパ)
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- 『森と庭園の英国史』, (文春新書二六六), 文藝春秋, 二〇〇二年八月二〇日刊, 新書版, 二〇六頁, 定価六八〇円
- 解説 都市ヒートアイランド現象
- 『歴史を変えた気候大変動』, ブライアン・フェイガン著/東郷えりか・桃井緑美子訳, 二〇〇一年一二月発行, 河出書房新社
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