軟式野球攻撃の新戦法に関する一考察 : 選球スクイズについて
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Today, squeeze play is in use at straight squeeze. This play means that the runner starts simultaneously with pitching and the batter must surely roll a ball in case squeeze play of sign was given by the bench. But, straight squeeze has a danger that batting side is thrown a waste pitch by an opponent battery. Then, the pourpose of this study was investigated the possibility of "squeeze by batting eye" (self-styled) which needs not anxiety of the danger. Squeeze by batting eye is that we do squeeze only course that batter will be able to roll a ball for pitcher's pitting. In that case, the conditions of batting eye is agreed in advance, and the runner must judge quickly whether thrown ball is fit for the conditions or not, and the runner must swiftly start. Then, there are two hypothesises when we investigate at the possibility of squeeze by batting eye. (Hypothesis 1) : The probability of the runner's out may more than straight squeeze. Because, the runner is late to start as compared with straight squeeze. (Hypothesis 2) : The runner and the batter of batting eye may not agree. These two hypothesis was negated by the result of experiment. Namely, the possibility of squeeze by batting eye was evidenced. The conditions of batting eye is as following : 1) Hight and low is from the shoulder to the kneecap. 2) Course is from strike's course to distance of two ball portion from it. But, for the player, squeeze by batting eye needs some practice for the practical game. In this case, important point is next three. (1) The batter must master the technique of batting rolling ball. (2) The runner and the batter must agree their own batting eye. (3) The runner must judge the batting eye as fast as he can. And, the runner must starts quickly.
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