- 論文の詳細を見る
Sports clubs in school can be an important factor contributing to students' involvement in sporting activities throughout their lives. The purpose of this study is to discuss the role of sports clubs and sporting activities in high school on university students' choices and level of involvement in sports during their university life. Such a study suggests an improvement in the management of sports clubs in high school. We sent out questionnaires to university students to ask about their sporting activities in high school and we received 604 answers. The results of the survey are as follows: 1. The students who belonged to sports clubs in high school tend to continue to play sports in university. They expressed an intention to participate in sporting activities in the future and throughout their lives. 2. Students' choices and level of involvement in sporting activities in the university were directey influenced by students' level of satisfaction in sports clubs in high school. Satisfactory participation in sports clubs enhances relationship development among team mates as well as improvement, performance, and achievement within individual sports. Consequently, good experiences in high school spors clubs encourage university students to be eager to play sports, develop positive attitudes and sportsman-like conduct not only in high school but in university and thereafter.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 2003-02-28
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