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The gelation behavior of complexes of cholesterol derivatives containig a carboxylic group at the terminal, cholesteryl hydrogen phthalate (CHP) and cholesteryl hydrogen succinate (CHS), with normal aliphatic diamines (Cn diamines, n=2〜12) were studied by visual observation, FT-IR, and ^<13>C NMR measurement. These complexes prepared via precipitation or solvent evaporation from mixed solutions were soluble in various organic fluids, and gelatinized some alcohols and aromatic derivatives such as ethanol, 1-propanol, benzene, and toluene. The dependence of gelation ability on the chain length of Cn diamines was observed for CHP/Cn diamine complexes in benzene: the complexes including an even-numbered Cn diamine could gelatinize benzene whereas those containing an odd-numbered one couldn't. The intensities of the IR characteristic absorptions for the carboxyl group of the cholesterol derivatives and the amine group of Cn diamines decreased in the gel state due to the formation of the ionic bonding of -COO^- with -NH_3^+. This spectroscopic observation indicated that the mixtures of the cholesterol derivatives and Cn diamines formed a complex in the gel state. ^<13>C Ti values for the solvent molecules in the gel state were nearly identical with those in the neat solvents, suggesting that the mesh size of the gel network is much larger than the molecular size of the solvent.
- 長岡技術科学大学の論文
- 2000-03-29
山崎 理絵
木村 悟隆
宮下 美晴
西尾 嘉之
鈴木 秀松
西尾 嘉之
鈴木 秀松
木村 悟隆
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