- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, I looked back toward the change of the way of thinking about Japan's information education concerning contents of information education demanded in an elementary school education. The fundamental thought establishes an important point in the handling of information, and it makes much of independence of will and aims at acting positively. It becomes an element constituting an outlook on new scholarship. Afterwards I examined the kind of information and the works treated at school. In elementary course stage, I examined concrete contents of information literacy, computer literacy and media literacy sought by teachers and students. I was able to confirm about the effectiveness in education of the computer and the Internet. In particular, along the way of thinking of information education, I suggested that it was effective to educate students in task oriented training. According to this thought, I showed practical example of information education that I actually did of the college for students who learn from the teacher training course to be a leader to children. Finally I mentioned about a notice point when we do information education.
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