- 論文の詳細を見る
The Constitution of Japan was enacted in 1947 and it has never been revised. The Liberal-Democratic Party has wanted to revise the article 9 which prohibits Japanese state from arming, but the conservative party has never succeeded in it. Because, it requires a majority vote of two thirds of diet members and of a majority of the referendum in order to revise The Constitution of Japan. Recently the political situation is changing. More than two thirds of diet members agree to revise of articles of The Constitution. Though the draft of The Constitution of Japan was planed by GHQ, it succeeds to the liberal and democratic doctrines of 17-18 centuries developing in Europe. The Constitution guarantees the national sovereignty and fundamental human rights, and orders Japanese Government to abandon wars. The Constitution of Japan is one of the ideal constitutions in the twentieth century. Japanese people should study such a historical background of The Constitution in order to appreciate it. If this essay is able to help understanding of the real worth of The Constitution, my tiny purpose may be attained.
- 大阪産業大学の論文
- 2005-06-30
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