神戸女学院学舎の建築史学(II) : 計画されざるキャンパス・山本通の学舎(1875〜1933)
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Kobe College started as a Christian school on the Yamamoto Street. It was one of the mission schools managed by the American board. The campus opened without any prospect for the future. As the educational contents changed from those of a girls' school to a higher education, the campus was arranged with the new buildings built in the adjacent land that was purchased later. Mount Holyoke, a women's college in the U. S., was a school model to follow. There were four construction periods to complete the campus. The first period followed the Colonial style; the second the Stick style, the third the Queen Ann style, and the brick construction was first employed in the fourth period. The wooden western style was adopted all through the four periods. The Japanese style was also adopted and a new design called Jugendstil was executed on the exterior of the auditorium. Holbrook and Allchin, missionaries from the American board, designed the campus. It is notable that the campus was designed by these amateur architects. A group of the elegant western-style school buildings in Kobe College attracted public attention as the architecture representing Kobe in the Meiji Era.
- 2005-03-20
- 神戸女学院学舎の建築史学(II) : 計画されざるキャンパス・山本通の学舎(1875〜1933)
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