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記事区分:原著The Japanese tuna fishing industry turned into import-industry after the mid 1990's, at which time Taiwan's tuna fishing industry established a comparative advantage. The Japanese tuna fishing industry experienced a 20% vessel reduction in 1998 without owners receiving Tomohosho (compensation system among vessels owners). Starting from this reduction in the fishing vessels and using the unique Japanese tuna Sashimi market, the tuna fishing industry have largely been able to draw Flag-of -convenience and Illegal Unregulated and Unreported vessels, which are major factors of Taiwanese vessel owners advantage, into the framework of the global resource management scheme. This paper is based on Ono, 2004, "Tuna fisheries development and activities of Japan Tuna" production to consumption of Tuna, Seizando press, which focuses on the development of tuna fisheries. We expand, in this paper, the business analysis in the tuna fishing industry to the period from 1990 to 2001 and attempt to analyze balance trend, profitability and finance. In conclusion, based on the business analysis, and linking the tuna fisheries with the Japanese economy, we point out that the most-advanced complete aquaculture technology for bluefin tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) developed by Kinki University clearly improves competitiveness against tuna longline fishing industry.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
山本 尚俊
小野 征一郎
中原 尚知
山本 尚俊
小野 征一郎
近畿大 水研 浦神実験場
小野 征一郎
中原 尚知
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