「思いの理論」に基づく臨床人格発達研究 : 対人的出来事場面における心的過程と対処行動の分析(人文・社会)
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This study focused on the essence of personality development and what factors affect this development. By using questionnaires and episodic interview methods, we examined what thoughts appear in people's minds, how they behave in reaction to these thoughts, and what they think caused that behavior, in day-to-day conflicted situations. The result showed : (1) ordinary people go through the same mental process as clients in psychotherapy do when they go through the four stages of recovery mental process described by Koyama (2002) ; (2) behavioral reactions of school teachers (a group with more social experiences) is more socially desirable than that of college students (a group with fewer social experiences) ; (3) the main factor that caused school teachers to react in more socially desirable manner was the degree of exposure to interpersonal relations through experiences with parents, teachers, friends, etc. (Sullivan, 1953a, 1953b). The recovery mental process in psychotherapy is considered as personality development (Rogers, 1959), with personality being defined and summarized as the tendency to display certain behaviors in certain situations. Additionally, progress in social desirability of behavior must be driven by quality improvement of mental process. Thus we could conclude that the quality improvement of mental process in daily situations corresponds to a segment of personality development, which is affected by one's experiences in interpersonal relations.
- 信州大学の論文
- 2005-03-25
- 思春期に現れやすいサイン (特集 不登校・いじめ・非行・虐待…… 子どものサインに気づく)
- ロールプレイングによるカウンセリング研修体験
- 心理的援助の本質と援助者の資質・役割
- 描画を臨床に生かすには (特集 描画)
- 自分描画法研究 : 心理療法における自己像(人文・社会)
- 「思いの理論」に基づく臨床人格発達研究 : 対人的出来事場面における心的過程と対処行動の分析(人文・社会)
- 子どもの心理アセスメント : 基本と留意点 (特集 子ども理解を深める「心理アセスメント」 : 特別支援教育・教育相談・学級経営に生かす)