中国金融体制改革の現状と課題 : 不良債権と人民元問題を中心に
- 論文の詳細を見る
China was approved to enter WTO in November, 2001. The Chinese financial circle will face severe competition with foreign financial institutions in China, because foreign banks will be allowed the same treatment with domestic banks in five years. The problems of non-performing loans of the big four state commercial banks are quite grave. However, we have to see these problems in relation to Chinese fiscal problems. If we can expect the high economic growth, fiscal risks can be avoided. In considering the future of Chinese yuan, we have to review the history of yuan carefully. Some of the Chinese local financial institutions are facing difficulties in paying deposits they received, which arouse serious social problems. Many Japanese banks could not be repayed the loans which they lent to so-called ITICS (international trust and investment corporations). In considering the investment to China, we need to study the risks which are peculiar to China.
- 福山大学の論文
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- 10.人民元相場形成メカニズム改革
- 中国は「世界の工場」といえるか
- 中国の高度経済成長政策がもたらした構造的問題についての初歩的考察
- 中国金融体制改革の現状と課題 : 不良債権と人民元問題を中心に