- 論文の詳細を見る
It is the purpose of the present paper to throw some light on the influence of the health and physical educational camp on a consciousness to the health, a self health condition of mind and body and an alteration of the attitude for healthy and wholesome life. The training camp was concentrated in three nights and four days and intervened and arranged by some lectures about synthetic themes of health and physical education, relaxation program and meal management through the camp. Twenty subjects, five males and fifteen females, were all university students that lived a usual life and so might have the possibility to get the life-style-related-disease in the future. Most of the subjects were younger than the subjects in few precedent studies. A subject's mean age was 20.8 years old (n; 20, s.d.; 4.18, range; 18-38). The camp lesson was open as an intensive and selective two-credit seminar class on the physical education of the liberal arts. The contents of intervention in the training camp were several lectures about the individual and public health science covering large areas, such as human beings' history with the health problem, and energy accounts of man, loss of definite aim in life and so forth, and some practices of swimming mainly and exercises in the pool, aerobics dancing on the floor, hiking along a plateau, morning walking, stretching and taking a bath of hot spring for relaxation, and so on, moreover, living guidance of eating, sleeping and rising time and regular meals specified and managed at a moderate ratio of the three major nutrients and total calorie intake toward the less fat and the lower calorie, etc. Besides this intensive training camp, the prior lesson of lectures and exercise of 3 hours was carried out twice before the training camp. About hot spring bathing, it is a salty spring and bathtub temperature was 41 degrees C. Moderate and comfortable bathing was performed for about 30 minutes during the training camp every day. Lower body bathing was encouraged. Although the pool was also a salty hot spring, the water quality was managed by chlorine. The temperature in a pool for 25 m swimming was 31 degrees C. The temperatures of two jet bathtub were 31 degrees C and 41 degrees C, respectively. As an index about the change of health situation, measurements of the following items were performed. Physique by body mass index (BMI) and rate of body fat etc., physical activity situation by questionnaire, aerobics capability by the bicycle ergometer (75% HR max), mental and emotional status by the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale, the Profile of Mood Status (POMS) and The degree of subjective happiness, life style by the Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOL) were investigated. Furthermore, Blood were collected twice a few weeks before and immediately after the intensive training camp. About the blood profile, significant reductions of the total protein (g/dl 8.0±0.48 g/dl to 7A±0.39, p< 0.01), Albumin (4.6±0.22 g/dl from 4.8±0.19 g/dl, p< 0.01) and Creatine (0.7±0.15 mg/dl from 0.8±0.13 mg/dl, p< 0.001) were noted.y-GTP (IU/L 11.6±7.66 IU/L to 19.2±11.62, p< 0.01) and Urea Nitrogen (BUN) (mg/dl 4.6±0.93 mg/dl to 12.7±1.95, p< 0.01) were increased significantly to the contrary. As regards the fat ingredients in the blood, although the total cholesterol (TC) showed the upward tendency (182.6±44.85 mg/dl from 169.3±23.76 mg/dl, p< 0.162) and the triglyceride (TG) had the downward tendency (70.5± 14.68 mg/dl from 86.8±35.76 mg/dl, p< 0.138), the difference was not statistically significant in both. As concerns HDL-cholesterol, the significant enhance (69.9± 15.52 mg/dl from 61.5±9.34 mg/dl, p< 0.019) was obtained. Concerning the scores of POMS as a mental status before and behind the training camp, the significant falls of Tension, Depression, Anger and Confusion were noted and on the other hand the index of Vigor showed a remarkable significant increase. It can be seen on the ground of these findings that some exercise, relaxation and dietary program in this training camp influenced the blood profile, especially to HDL-cholesterol, toward prevention against the life style related disease and make the mental status active and in comfort, so that the mental stressor which is one of incentives to get the life style related disease may be removed. It seems reasonable to conclude that the training camp in which it intervened with the intensive and synthetic type of health and physical education can acutely improve the mental and physical health of college students. And it may cause to change the life style to wholesomeness in the future.
- 学習院大学の論文
梅林 薫
上岡 洋晴
上岡 洋晴
佐藤 陽治
梅林 薫
佐藤 陽治
佐藤 陽治
学習院大学 スポーツ・健康科学センター
加藤 浩人
学習院大学 トレーニングセンター
加藤 浩人
加藤 浩人
Sato Yoji
Gakushuin University
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- 345.環境温の相違が, 同一強度の運動に対する生体反応に及ぼす影響
- 41.血清過酸化脂質に及ぼす運動の影響 : 運動生理学的研究I : 第40回日本体力医学会大会
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