A24 いす式階段昇降機「エスコート」のデザイン開発(平成17年度日本デザイン学会第52回研究発表大会)
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This product was developed in collaboration with Daido Kogyo Co., Ltd (Ishikawa prefecture) during the period of June 2003 to December 2004. Given the abundance of products with the design of mechanical image on the market today, in line with the basic concept of "from machine to furniture", we developed the world's first stair lift with molded plywood chair. Taking full account of the limited housing room in Japan, the result was a product which took up a record minimum width when folded and it was awarded the Good Design Award for 2004.
- 2005-05-30
- 「機械から家具へ」いす式階段昇降機『エスコート』のデザイン開発
- A24 いす式階段昇降機「エスコート」のデザイン開発(平成17年度日本デザイン学会第52回研究発表大会)
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- 公共彫刻の存在意義 : 『パブリック・アート入門』, 著者, 竹田直樹, 公人の友社, A5, 94頁, \1,200, 1993.10.25(会員寄贈著書紹介)