- 論文の詳細を見る
This study is based on an actual survey of the stone buildings of the Taishido in the Old Kanazu Town. The summary is as follows : (1) The Taishido were built by the craftsmen connected with buildings the Taishido in 1892-1905 (Meiji 25-38) except li-Taishido built in 1800(Kansei 12). (2) The Taishido used to be maintained by Taishiko contorol, but now have been kept up by the local council in recent year. (3) The design of Taishido is the Hokyointo on the two rooves with a nokikarahahu. (4) Almost all the Taishido were damaged by the Fukui earthquake.
- 福井工業大学の論文
- 2005-03-18
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