- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a study of the Tagayasakon Stone Mausoleum in the town of Kanazu. The mausoleum, of stone, was dismantled and its remaining building materials, most of which are damaged, are now in the custody of the municipal authorities. I investigated the building materials of the dismantled Tagayasakon mausoleum and tried to restore the stone building to the original state. The following is a summary of the report: (1)The mausoleum was built around 1607 (Keicho 12) by the second generation head of the family. (2)The building is made of Shakudani stone and had a gabled roof. (3)The building is about 1.68 meters in beam length, measured inside between the pillars at the extreme edges. (4)The walls of the building were made up of stone plates in one with pillar forms and the stone plates were laid on their sides and piled up. (5)Some of the wall plates of the building are decorated with an image of Buddha in relief. A mausoleum with this style of wall plates is not often found.
- 福井工業大学の論文
- 2003-03-20
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