建設部門産業連関分析のマルコフ連鎖性に関する研究 : 道路事業をベースにみた建設部門地域産業連関分析のマルコフ性からみた地域分析
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Concerning the construction of social overhead capital, it is becoming inevitable to measure the effect scientifically. There are so many ways of measuring such as the cost-benefit analysis, but it is still not unified as the standard way of analysis. To measure the local effect or industrial effect of public investment, we can use the reginal construction Input-Output analysis table. This table contains much information for the study of regional effects. This report tries to study the relation of input coefficient and the Markov chain matrix which covers the activity analyis of reginal construction Input-Output tables. And also research on stability subject of the input coefficient using the markov chain.
- 2005-03-31
- 建設部門産業連関分析のマルコフ連鎖性に関する研究 : 道路事業をベースにみた建設部門地域産業連関分析のマルコフ性からみた地域分析
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