中国古代仏寺称謂攷 : 祠と寺
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Buddhism spreaded to China around the first century. After that Buddhism was accented to the Chinese society slowly and good, the Buddhist temple came to be constructed and even the Buddhist Scriptures had been translated to Chinese gradually. This paper analyzed mainly the historical documents from the first century through the fifth century, Dunhuang (敦煌) manuscripts and Turpan (吐魯番) manuscripts to know when the name of the Buddhist temple changed into "si 寺" from "ci 祠". The Buddist temple was called "ci 祠" in the Later Han (後漢), or Eastern Han (東漢) dynasty. In the third century, it has come to be called "si 寺" in the China mainland. However, it was still called "ci 祠" in the early fifth century in the Hexi (河西) region. Futhermore it was still called "ci 祠" in the late fifth century in the Turpan (吐魯番) region. The Chinese character "si 寺" standing for the Buddhist temple was from the name of the government office called "si 寺".
- 桜美林大学の論文
- 2001-03-31
- 吐魯番出土文書および関連伴出資料の調査
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- 中国古代仏寺称謂攷 : 祠と寺
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