- 論文の詳細を見る
In our country, the promotion of labour efficiency by mechanical means is of urgent importance, and besides serious consideration should be given to the following points, viz : - (1) The development of the mining process. To concentrate the working face as far as possible, and to minimize the keeping level To make the working system adaptable for mechanical power. (2) Economy in manual labour. (a) Application of explosives. (b) The use of drills for tapping holes. (c) The use of coal cutters. (3) Transportation improvements. (a) Provision of surface conveyors. (b) If the above should not me practicable, a truck-way should be provided as near as possible to the working face, thus reducing the distance of carrying the coal to a minimum. Or, if possible, load the coal into tubs direct by shovels. (c) For main haulage, use the level as far as possible. Transportation should be by locomotive power. Drilling can be resorted to remove faults, &c., and the level shortened, besides taking measures for avoiding interruptions. (d) Shortening of the working hours of foremen and labourers, so that work can be systematic. A further item might be added with advantage to the above, and that is, the system of paying wages could be improved. It is claimed that the high efficiency of labourers in America is due to the high wages they receive. To attain the object we have in view in the mining industry in Japan, some would like that system imitated, yet, in our country, owing to the differences in local conditions this reasoning does not hold true. However, some studies on this line would be interesting.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会 | 論文
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