テッポウエビ類に寄生するフクロムシ類 2 種 : Thylacoplethus edwardsi と新種 T. minutus
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The akentrogonid rhizocephalan Thylacoplethus edwardsi Coutiere, type species of the genus and a parasite of the abdominal sternites of alpheid shrimps (genus Alpheus), is reexamined using new material from the Okinawa Islands. The externae of T. edwardsi from A. gracilis are designated as a neotype. Another and smaller species, Thylacoplethus minutus sp. nov. (=Thompsonia sp. Potts, 1915), is parasitic on the thoracal and abdominal appendages of Synalpheus stimpsoni. The paper describes the morphology, synonymy and distribution of the two species.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
長澤 和也
National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, Fisheries Agency of Japan
Lutzen Jorgen
Department Of Cell Biology And Anatomy Zoological Institute University Of Copenhagen
Lutzen Jorgen
Institute Of Cell Biology And Anatomy University Of Copenhagen
/長澤 和也
Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Zoological Institute, University of Copenhagen/National Rese
/長澤 和也
Department Of Cell Biology And Anatomy Zoological Institute University Of Copenhagen/national Resear
長澤 和也
National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries
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- テッポウエビ類に寄生するフクロムシ類 2 種 : Thylacoplethus edwardsi と新種 T. minutus
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