日本産淡水魚類の Allocreadiidae 科 Allocreadium 属の吸虫類
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This paper deals with the following species of the trematode genus Allocreadium LOOSS, 1900 (Allocreadiidae), found in freshwater fishes of Japan : A. gotoi (HASEGAWA et OZAKI, 1926), comb.n. (syn. Macrolecithus gotoi HASEGAWA et OZAKI, 1926); A. hasu OZAKI, 1926; A. isoporum (LOOSS, 1894) LOOSS, 1900; A. japonicum OZAKI, 1926; A. tosai sp. n.; and Allocreadium sp. of KATAOKA and MOMMA (1934). The morphology of each species is described and illustrated, and its systematic position is discussed. Allocreadium tosai from Tribolodon hakonensis, T. ezoe and Moroco percnurus sachalinensis of Hokkaido differs from the most closely allied species, A. baueri SPASSKII et ROITMAN, 1960,in a larger body, a smaller sucker width ratio and larger eggs. Macrolecithus HASEGAWA et OZAKI, 1926,is regarded as a synonym of Allocreadium, and four species (including the type species) previously placed in Macrolecithus are transferred to Allocreadium as a new combination. In addition, some unidentified related trematodes are recorded.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
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