日清戦争期における新体詩の位相(1) -島崎藤村「農夫」におけるナショナリズムを巡って-
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"Wakanashu" written by Shimazaki Toson, which was in 1897 was the completion of the modern poetry in Japan. The poems in "Shintaishishou" which was released as the first anthology in 1882, however, were used to grow nationalism in the school education. In a consequence, they had been accepted as military songs during the third decade of the Meiji Era. No studies have ever tried to clarify the relationship between the new-styled poems and Toson's lyric poems. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the modern poetry in the incunabula and nationalism through analyzing Toson's poems and poetics during the Japanese-Sino War(1894-1895), or the period of elation for nationalism.
- 東海大学短期大学部の論文
- 日清戦後の新体詩をめぐる言説について--島崎藤村 抒情成立の前夜
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- 幻の田園 (特集=三木露風の世界) -- (詩の世界)
- 小学校教員養成課程「国語科教育法」実践報告
- 日清戦争期における新体詩の位相(1) -島崎藤村「農夫」におけるナショナリズムを巡って-
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