火炎性状に関する考察 : 初期火災時における家具類の燃焼性状に関する実験的研究,その2
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This paper describes the burning characteristics of upholstered chairs in an incipient fire. The proximity of a wall or a corner were examined. The presence of a adjacent wall or corner did not have a significant effect on the burning rate of upholstered chairs. Measurements of temperature distribution, visible flame height, irradiance and smoke density were made on the burning chair in a room center, alongside a wall and in a corner of walls. The flame height, the centerline temperature above a heat source, smoke genaration and incident heat flux from a burning item were formulated as a function of the mass burning rate or heat release rate. Specially, flame height and the maximum temperature on each height were formulated with the theory of turbulent diffusion flame introduced by Hasemi.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1986-12-30
- 立体写真による火災形状測定
- 火炎性状に関する考察 : 初期火災時における家具類の燃焼性状に関する実験的研究,その2
- 21世紀へ向けての防火投資 : 防火部門研究協議会
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- 椅子の燃焼速度について : 初期火災時における家具類の燃焼性状に関する実験的研究 その1
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