ロリツァーとシュムッテルマイアのピナクルの設計法 : ゴシックの幾何図式
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This paper analyzes the design methods of the pinnacles of Mathes Roriczer and Hanns Schmut- termayer. In Roriczer's "Biichlein von der Fialen Gerechtigkeit," first, he developed the geometrical constructs out of the basic figure of the square. I call this process "Roriczer's development of the square," that shows a proportional expression of 1 : 1/2 = 1/2 : 1/4 in these areas. Secondly, he extrapolated ("ausziehen") the elevation ("auszug") from the base plan. "Roriczer's method" is the combination of "Roriczer's development of the square" and "ausziehen. " In contrast with Roriczer, in Schmuttermayer's "Buchlein von der Fialen Gerechtigkeit," Schmuttermayer made the modular units ("schuch"; Schuh ; shoe) by the development of the square at the beginning. Next, he designed the base plan and the elevation from "schuch." I suppose Schmuttermayer represented "alt schuch" (old shoe) and "new schuch" (new shoe) as in the ratio 7:5.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1992-03-30
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