近江湖東平野における条理空間について : 農耕空間の史的形成過程に関する研究(その1)
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Agricultural land allotment on the Jori-grid system developed in the 7th to the 8th century in koto plain of Shiga prefecture has Jori compartment which each side length is about 110 meters and which is divided into 10. paddy fiels. In this report the land allotment is tried to restore to the original state by historical document and detailed survey map. Agricultural farming space on Jori-grid system was thought to be in homogeneous condition in spite of micro-geological differences. And then, the process of the development of the Jori-grid system is assumed as follows : firstly main (outer) levees for roads and creeks were developed in a short period of the first half of 8th C., and then the inner parts into paddy fields successively in the 8th C. and after.
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