- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper presents the result of a study made of the posts and organizations for construction and building in the Zen temples mainly with respect to their names and activities appearing in the archives concerned with the construction and building. As the result, the following is known. (1) The posts concerned with the construction and building in the Zen temples include that called SHISSUI which is responsible for repairing and that called SHUZOSHI which is responsible for construction and building. (2) The term SHUZOKYOKU is not generally used as a term expressing the organization for construction and building in the medieval age. (3) SHUZOSHI is already present in the middle of the 13 th century, and in the late 14 th century, its activities cease to continue. SHUZOSHI participates in construction and reconstruction of cathedrals. (4) The construction and building organization of a Zen temple is called ZOEIKATA or SHUZOKATA,and these are already present in the middle of the 14 th century. With establishment of SHUZOKATA, SHUZOSHI is included in the organizationas a component, and in and after the middle of the 15 th century. SHUZOSHI-RYO is installed. (5) As the main activities of ZOEIKATA, there may be listed the administration of manors, acquisition of the expense and material timber of construction and building, storage and management of SONSHIKI and SASHIZU, and provision of galleries.
- 1989-07-30
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