戸建て住宅用免震構造に関する研究(G10-7 免震・制振装置,G10 機械力学・計測制御部門)
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Recently, the number of earthquake isolation structure has been increased. The most of earthquake isolation structure is applied the rubber bearings that are well - known as device. However, few light-weight structures such as wooden houses are not applied the isolation device, because it is difficult to apply the rubber bearings, for example, the diameter of the rubber bearing narrows according to extension of the natural period of isolation system, and the device can not support superstructure. In this study, the purpose is development about isolation system for Light-Weight Houses, we propose that the new isolation system is supported with the linear slider and force of restitution is given by transverse stiffness of the coil spring. In this paper, result of numerical analysis in this system was reported.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-09-04
- 機械力学 ・ 計測制御
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