当院におけるnear occlusion例に対するCEA
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effectiveness of CEA in preventing further stroke of the patient with high grade carotid stenosis is well known. However, controversy still exists as for the choice of CEA or low flow bypass in the cases of near occlusion because of the uncertainty of the patency of distal ICA as well as the risk for postoperative hyperperfusion. We experienced 7 consecutive cases of near occlusion between May and November 2004 and performed CEA. In all cases, the flexible shunt (Furui shunt) was employed to reduce the risk of hemodynamic ischemia during clamping. To prevent distal embolism during distal shunt tube insertion, great care was taken to secure the "true distal lumen" high enough above the stenotic site. If necessary, arteriotomy was added on the distal wall and then connected toward the proximal. The use of a shunt tube was helpful in gaining a fine view of the distal end during endarterectomy because it held the collapsed lumen round open. There were no ischemic complications. Good patencies were demonstrated by postoperative DSAs in all cases. In our experiences, CEA could be safely performed as long as the angiography shows patent ICA distal to stenotic site even in delayed fashion.
- 日本脳卒中の外科学会の論文
- 2006-01-31
井上 智弘
富士脳障害研究所付属病院 脳神経外科
國井 尚人
富士脳障害研究所付属病院 脳神経外科
堤 一生
公立昭和病院 脳神経外科
國井 尚人
安達 忍
井上 智弘
田中 将太
公立昭和病院 脳神経外科
齊藤 邦昭
公立昭和病院 脳神経外科
安達 忍
公立昭和病院 脳神経外科
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