廃棄物ガス化発電用混焼ディーゼル機関に関する研究(FP5 レシプロエンジンの環境対応技術)
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Many kinds of gasification systems are under development now. Heating value of gaseous fuels produced from solid fuel (wastes and biomass) gasification systems are as low as 1/10 of that of natural gas, and there is almost no established energy conversion methods for such low-BTU gases. Two kinds of low-BTU gas, one was produced by diluting from natural gas with nitrogen and the other was produced from the two-step pyrolysis/reforming gasification process were tested in a dual fueled diesel engine. In these experiments, power output could be kept constant by controlling the gas oil supply, when low-BTU gas supply changed. It was demonstrated that nearly 80% of oil supply could be replaced by low-BTU fuel gas with slight decrease of the thermal efficiency while significant reduction of NO_X emission was possible due to lower combustion temperature in the engine. Experimental results show that dual fueled diesel engines are quite feasible option for efficient utilization of low-BTU gases.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-06-22
- 3-30.流動媒体に活性アルミナを用いたバイオマス循環流動層ガス化((9)ガス化I,Session 3 バイオマス等)
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- 廃棄物ガス化発電用混焼ディーゼル機関に関する研究(熱工学,内燃機関,動力など)
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- 廃棄物ガス化発電用混焼ディーゼル機関に関する研究(FP5 レシプロエンジンの環境対応技術)
- 熱交換型CO2-GDLキャビティー流のモデル化と最適動作条件の検討
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- 3611 中圧水蒸気を用いた湿潤バイオマスの革新的前処理技術(S55 再生可能エネルギー)
- 3-2.タール保持量に及ぼす多孔質粒子の物理特性の影響((1)ガス化・合成I,Session 3 バイオマス等)