産業別生産函数とその規模係数 : 産業構造分析の基礎として
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The purpose of this paper is mainly to estimate production functions in ten textile industries. 2. The model of entrepreneur's behavior and method of estimation have been developed cooperatively by Messrs. 0bi and Ozaki. (See References), and applied to prewar Japanese Census data in several industries by Mr. Ozaki and me. In short, the main features ofthis statistical inference is the joint use of time-series and cross-section analysis, based upon some relationships between structural and reduced-form shocks. And in respect of theoretical frame-works, it enable us to measures stable set of factor elasticities in production function, by introducing so called scale functions. This explores to the possibilities of estimating of factor-relative-price and of explanating inter-industry and inter-firm (or inter-firm-scale) differentials in waeres. Section II of this paper is devoted to summaries the basic hypothesis. 3. Section III contains the estimated parameters of reduced forms and scale coefficients (yearly cross-sectional analysis ; Table 1-(1)~(10)). Also, estimated figures of structural parameters, that is, factor elasticities in production function, of which sums is axiomatically assumed to be unity (time-series analysis, Table 2). 4. Some tests of the results are done and several suggestions and interpretations given in Section IV. The results of interpolation and extrapolation are summarized in Table 3, and the stability of structural parameters has been done in rather elemental way in IV. In IV. 3 the inter-temporal and inter-industrial changes of scale coefficient and intuitively analysed. (Fig.2(1)~(10)), from which any unknown factors, that moves the scale coefficient up and down among years, and also smaller and larger among industries, would be suggested to be existed. As such factors, the inter temporal variation of utilization and the changing status in products market in each industry are get on and treated in simplified manner. 5. There remains, however, further necessary examination of the estimated results and full explanation of scale coefficient variations.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 1959-10-15
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